Our History

On a cold November evening in 1996 Jane Dean first met three year old Andrew Waddington. Andrew, as a result of medical negligence, had sustained a  catastrophic and life changing brain injury. Jane, along with Charles Tisdal, a local osteopath, set out to find a key to unlock Andrew from a life which seemed to be locked without communication or future.

It was during this search to help one small boy, that Jane discovered the potential benefit of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Breathing oxygen under pressure has the ability to improve lives of severely brain injured children and adults. HBOT is not a miracle cure but can help to achieve many small miracles.

In 2011, Andrew, aged eighteen, became the first official Associate of A Breath for Life, in recognition of his inspiration and progress which has given hope to so many.

The Trustees

Other Staff Members

We have a Centre manager, who is an experienced diver and technician and is supported by four part-time Operators.

Our Honorary Medical Adviser is Professor Philip James of Dundee.

Our Patron is Suzie Reynolds

The Secret Diary of Andrew Waddington – Age 20 ¾

Name – Andrew Waddington
Age – As already stated ahem pay attention……….. 20 ¾
Personality – Bags Of!!!!!!! Strength, Determination, Achievement
Attributes – Great Friend- How Lucky am I?
Confidante – Yvonne Martin, Age TBC once original birth certificate is located!!
Occupation – Student, cyclist, interior designer and film maker, film star in the making.
Secret Weapons – My trusty bike, faithful camera and excellent memory.